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Multi-Unit Housing Social Media Message Library

How to use this library

First, find a post you want to use by clicking on either button. These are posts on general tobacco facts! Follow the instructions for Twitter or Facebook.


To use these Instagram Posts:

  1. Save the images to your computer or phone
  2. Copy the caption we have provided (feel free to use exactly what we wrote or customize them to make them more interesting to your community)
  3. In Instagram, tap the “+” button to create a new post
  4. Choose the photos you have saved (if there are multiple, double check the number bubbles to make sure they are in the right order)
  5. Go to the next screen to add the caption you have copied
  6. Click “Share” to make it live!


Not only is #SecondhandSmoke harmful to your nonsmoking tenants, but residue from tobacco products damages carpets, walls, and is difficult to remove from vacant units. California law states landlords have the authority to prohibit smoking on their property.

Learn how to begin working towards a smokefree property:

#Smokefree #TobaccoFree #SmokefreeLife #QuitSmoking #QuitVaping

The words 'Convert to a Smokefree Property' above a photo of a clean apartment building.


If you live in an apartment or home with shared walls, you can be exposed to #SecondhandSmoke. This smoke travels through vents, windows, & pipes. Secondhand smoke can be harmful to you and your family, even if you don't allow smoking in your own home.

Find out more:

#Smokefree #TobaccoFree #SmokefreeLife #QuitSmoking #QuitVaping

The words 'Walls Don't Block Toxic Secondhand Smoke' over a photo of a father and toddler drawing on a tablet.


With more than 7,000 chemicals, #SecondhandSmoke can be just as toxic to our animal friends as people. This exposure puts dogs, cats, and other pets at risk for health problems, including respiratory issues and lung cancer. Pets are also at risk due to #ThirdhandSmoke, the residue of toxic chemicals that tobacco smoke leaves on furniture, carpets, and on the walls and floors.

Learn more about the harmful effects of secondhand smoke:

#Smokefree #TobaccoFree #SmokefreeLife #QuitSmoking #QuitVaping

The words 'Secondhand Smoke is Harmful to Pets' over a photo of a corgi and a fluffy gray cat under a blanket.


E-cigarettes do not release harmless water vapor. The vape cloud is an aerosol with a mix of toxic chemicals like nicotine and heavy metals. Repeated exposure to this aerosol can cause health issues like asthma.

Find out more about the dangers of vaping exposure:

#Smokefree #TobaccoFree #SmokefreeLife #QuitSmoking #QuitVaping

The words 'It's Not Just Harmless Water Vapor' over a photo of a young man exhaling white smoke.

Not only is #SecondhandSmoke harmful to your nonsmoking tenants, but residue from tobacco products damages carpets, walls, and is difficult to remove from vacant units. CA law states landlords have the authority to prohibit smoking on their property:

The words 'Convert to a Smokefree Property' above a photo of a clean apartment building.


If you live in an apartment or home with shared walls, you can be exposed to #SecondhandSmoke. This smoke travels through vents, windows, & pipes. Secondhand smoke can be harmful to you and your family, even if you don't allow smoking in your own home:

The words 'Walls Don't Block Toxic Secondhand Smoke' over a photo of a father and toddler drawing on a tablet.


With more than 7,000 chemicals, #SecondhandSmoke can be just as toxic to our animal friends as people. This exposure puts dogs, cats, and other pets at risk for health problems, including respiratory issues and lung cancer: #QuitToday #SmokeFree

The words 'Secondhand Smoke is Harmful to Pets' over a photo of a corgi and a fluffy gray cat under a blanket.


E-cigarettes do not release harmless water vapor. The vape cloud is an aerosol with a mix of toxic chemicals like nicotine and heavy metals. Repeated exposure to this aerosol can cause health issues like asthma: #VapeFree

The words 'It's Not Just Harmless Water Vapor' over a photo of a young man exhaling white smoke.

Next, copy the caption. We’ve written short, attention getting captions that include links to trustworthy sources. Feel free to use exactly what we wrote or customize them to make them more interesting to your community. Once you’ve got your caption, paste it into the “Write a post…” field on your Facebook page.

Now you want a good image. You can use the images we’ve provided (to download, right click the image, and select “Save image as”), or you can pick your own visually interesting and relevant image. If you don’t have your own images, use TECC’s free image gallery for tobacco control. Upload the image to your post, click “Publish”, and that’s it!


Not only is #SecondhandSmoke harmful to your nonsmoking tenants, but residue from tobacco products damages carpets, walls, and is difficult to remove from vacant units. CA law states landlords have the authority to prohibit smoking on their property:

The words 'Convert to a Smokefree Property' above a photo of a clean apartment building.


If you live in an apartment or home with shared walls, you can be exposed to #SecondhandSmoke. This smoke travels through vents, windows, & pipes. Secondhand smoke can be harmful to you and your family, even if you don't allow smoking in your own home:

The words 'Walls Don't Block Toxic Secondhand Smoke' over a photo of a father and toddler drawing on a tablet.


With more than 7,000 chemicals, #SecondhandSmoke can be just as toxic to our animal friends as people. This exposure puts dogs, cats, and other pets at risk for health problems, including respiratory issues and lung cancer: #QuitToday #SmokeFree

The words 'Secondhand Smoke is Harmful to Pets' over a photo of a corgi and a fluffy gray cat under a blanket.


E-cigarettes do not release harmless water vapor. The vape cloud is an aerosol with a mix of toxic chemicals like nicotine and heavy metals. Repeated exposure to this aerosol can cause health issues like asthma: #VapeFree

The words 'It's Not Just Harmless Water Vapor' over a photo of a young man exhaling white smoke.