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With fruity flavors like mango, watermelon, and pink lemonade, the tobacco industry is using flavored tobacco to target kids. That’s why 80% of kids who have used tobacco started with a flavored product. Find out how you can support your teen to quit: #flavorshookkids #quitnow #tobaccofreekids
With teens being 7 times more likely to vape nicotine than adults, it’s clear that the tobacco industry’s marketing tactics are working. The industry uses sweet flavors and colorful packaging for its vaping products to appeal to youth. Need to talk to your teen about quitting? Find support here: #flavorshookkids #quittoday #nicotinefree
The tobacco industry attracts kids to vaping by using fun flavors, like OMG (Orange, Mango, Guava), that spark curiosity and make tobacco products taste sweet. That’s why 97% of kids who vape use flavors. This puts teens at risk for a lifetime of nicotine addiction. Find out how to support your youth to quit: #flavorshookkids #quittoday #nicotinefree
While Puff Bar has become more and more popular with youth, most don’t realize it contains as much nicotine as 50 cigarettes! Because of its sweet flavors Puff Bar seems harmless, but nicotine is harmful to developing brains. Find out more: #QuitToday
With its popular fruity flavors, like Mango, Grape, & Watermelon, Puff Bar is designed to resemble candy, but it’s far from harmless. #DYK 1 Puff Bar has as much nicotine as 50 cigarettes & youth are becoming addicted at record rates? Learn more: #QuitNow
Nicotine is addictive & harmful. The tobacco industry is targeting kids with such high levels of nicotine in e-cigarettes. With its sweet and fruity flavors, it’s clear why 96% of youth who vape use flavored tobacco. Find support to help your teen quit:
With teens being 7x more likely to vape nicotine than adults, it’s clear that the tobacco industry’s marketing tactics are working. The industry uses sweet flavors & colorful packaging for its vaping products to appeal to youth. Talk to your teen: #QuitNow
The tobacco industry attracts kids to vaping by using fun flavors, like OMG (Orange, Mango, Guava), that make tobacco products taste sweet. That’s why 97% of kids who vape use flavors. This puts teens at risk for a lifetime of nicotine addiction:
With fruity flavors like mango, watermelon, and pink lemonade, the tobacco industry is using flavored tobacco to target kids. That’s why 80% of kids who have used tobacco started with a flavored product. Find out how you can support your teen to quit: #flavorshookkids #quitnow #tobaccofreekids
With teens being 7 times more likely to vape nicotine than adults, it’s clear that the tobacco industry’s marketing tactics are working. The industry uses sweet flavors and colorful packaging for its vaping products to appeal to youth. Need to talk to your teen about quitting? Find support here: #flavorshookkids #quittoday #nicotinefree
The tobacco industry attracts kids to vaping by using fun flavors, like OMG (Orange, Mango, Guava), that spark curiosity and make tobacco products taste sweet. That’s why 97% of kids who vape use flavors. This puts teens at risk for a lifetime of nicotine addiction. Find out how to support your youth to quit: #flavorshookkids #quittoday #nicotinefree
Copyright © 2006 - 2025 ETR. This material was made possible by funds received from the California Tobacco Prevention Program, under contract #21-10001. The Tobacco Education Clearinghouse of California is a project of ETR.