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Technical Assistance (TA)

About Technical Assistance

The Tobacco Education Clearinghouse of California (TECC) serves projects funded by the California Tobacco Prevention Program (CTPP) with Technical Assistance for their work in educational material development and organic social media messaging.

All TA services are FREE to projects funded by CTPP.

Review our TA Business Rules for details about types of TA offered, estimated timeframes, and more:

Get Started!

Step 1

Get Familiar with MatTrack

Step 2 (Opens in new tab)

Request Access to MatTrack

Step 3

Submit a TA Ticket


4 Steps to Create Effective Educational Materials

Whether you are adapting or creating a new educational material, this checklist provides four steps to ensure your materials are accurate, engaging, and accessible.

Consumer Testing for Educational Materials Guide

Do you need to consumer test your educational materials to ensure their effectiveness with your intended audience? This guide can help!

Technical Assistance Portfolio

Check out our TA portfolio which showcases examples of unique educational material designs developed by funded projects who have used TECC’s TA services.

Schedule a TECC & MatTrack Orientation

Send an email to and include your name and CTPP-funded project to schedule a brief TECC and MatTrack orientation or refresher.

Need help? Contact us at