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Additional Printed Materials Order Form

The following materials are available free of charge to CTPP-funded projects and non-profits in California to support healthy, tobacco-free communities within California. Quantities are limited to 1000 total pieces per order and 3000 total pieces per calendar year per agency.
Add to Cart functionality is only available for free printed materials.

Healthy Moms, Healthy Kids. / Madres Sanas, Ninos Sanos

Brochure / J024

Healthy Moms, Healthy Kids. / Madres Sanas, Ninos Sanos
Your Life is Our Future

Brochure / J520

Your Life is Our Future
Quit Tips

Brochure / J640

Quit Tips
Adicciones / Fact Card

Fact Card / J935

Adicciones / Fact Card
Vaping Facts

Fact Card / J941

Vaping Facts
Helpful Tips to Quit Smoking and Vaping

Brochure / J947

Helpful Tips to Quit Smoking and Vaping


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