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Revised Your Life is Our Future

This simple, clear brochure offers compelling reasons to quit using commercial tobacco plus tips and strategies for success. Designed for Native American audiences.

Note: Print copies of this material are available free of charge to CTPP-funded projects and non-profits in California.

Funded projects and CA non-profits may request large quantities directly from TECC free of charge. Quantities of free materials are limited to 1,000 total units per order, 3,000 total units per calendar year per agency.

To order, contact TECC customer service for assistance at (800) 258-9090 or use our online order form.

Brochure Printing Tips:

For best results when printing yourself:

  • Print on a slightly heavier paper (or glossy paper).
  • Print 2-sided.
  • Print full size (do not choose “reduce” or “shrink to fit”).

Need help getting this item printed?
Our partner ETR can give you a quote