Simple, attractive fact card with detailed information about the Kick It California program services including telephone counseling, self-help materials, and online help. Includes the phone number, website and hours of operation.
Also available for adults in Spanish (J102), Vietnamese (J964), Korean (J962), Traditional Chinese (J963), and Simple Chinese (J964). Rack cards available for American Indians (J100), and for teens (J104).
Kick It California print materials are available free of charge to CTPP-funded projects and non-profits in California.
Funded projects and CA non-profits may request large quantities directly from TECC free of charge. Quantities are limited to 1,000 total items per order, 3,000 total items per calendar year per agency.
To order, contact TECC customer service for assistance at (800) 258-9090 or use our online order form.
Copyright © 2006 - 2025 ETR. This material was made possible by funds received from the California Tobacco Prevention Program, under contract #21-10001. The Tobacco Education Clearinghouse of California is a project of ETR.