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Keeping California Golden, Spanish

This two-sided Spanish-language fact sheet informs the general public about tobacco product waste (TPW): what constitutes TPW, statistics about litter, the economic impact, fire danger, and the harmful toxins that leach into the environment. The fact sheet calls for people to take a stand against TPW and demand a healthy environment for everyone. Also available in English (J900).

Fact Sheet Printing Tips:

For best results when printing yourself:

  • This fact sheet can be printed on standard 8.5” x 11” paper.
  • Your office printer should automatically reduce the image to best fit its margins. If not, make sure “Fit” or “Reduce to fit” is selected.
  • The fact sheet is two pages and can be printed either as front and back or on 2 separate pages.
  • We recommend using slightly heavier paper or glossy paper.

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