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Hookah Smoking In Latino Communities

This two-sided fact sheet warns that the number of Latino youth and young adults smoking hookah is rising. It emphasizes the health risks of hookah, noting that one typical session delivers 200x the smoke of one cigarette. The fact sheet calls for people to talk to their elected officials and ask them to support laws that ban flavored hookah and reduce access to hookah. Also available in Spanish (J921SP).

Fact Sheet Printing Tips:

For best results when printing yourself:

  • This fact sheet can be printed on standard 8.5” x 11” paper.
  • Your office printer should automatically reduce the image to best fit its margins. If not, make sure “Fit” or “Reduce to fit” is selected.
  • The fact sheet is two pages and can be printed either as front and back or on 2 separate pages.
  • We recommend using slightly heavier paper or glossy paper.

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