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Ask, Advise, Refer (AI/AN fact card)

This fact card reminds healthcare providers to kindly ask their patients about whether they use commercial tobacco. If they do use it, the healthcare provider should talk respectfully about the benefits of quitting, advising them to quit if they are ready. If they are ready to quit commercial tobacco, the provider should refer them to free cessation services.  Encourages respect for traditional tobacco use in the American Indian Community while discouraging commercial tobacco abuse. This fact card complements the Ask, Advise, Refer (AI/AN) poster (J886).

Fact Card Printing Tips:

For best results when printing yourself:

  • Print on cardstock.
  • Print 2-sided.
  • Print full size (do not select “reduce” or “shrink to fit”).
  • File includes 2 cards per page. Trim each page between the cards to separate.

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