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Adicciones / Fact Card

This Spanish-language fact card is designed to motivate people not to smoke tobacco. It presents the powerful message that more people die each year because of tobacco-related health problems than because of heroin or cocaine use. Includes Kick it California's information for Spanish-speaking smokers. Also available as a poster (J934).

Kick It California's print materials are available free of charge to CTPP-funded projects and non-profits in California.

Funded projects and CA non-profits may request large quantities directly from TECC free of charge. Quantities are limited to 1,000 per order/3,000 per calendar year per agency. 

To order, contact TECC customer service for assistance at (800) 258-9090 or use our online order form.

Printing tips

For best results when printing yourself:

  • Use a slightly heavier paper (or a glossy paper)
  • Print 2-sided
  • Print full size (do not choose “reduce” or “shrink to fit”)
  • File includes 2 cards per page. Trim each page down the center to separate.

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Our partner ETR can give you a quote